5 Ways to Reduce EMR Exposure

Simple steps we can take to reduce exposure to EMR in our day to day lives and creating better habits for using our devices.

Electromagnetic radiation is a type of electromagnetic frequency (EMF) emitted by many of our digital devices. Known also as EMR, EMF Radiation and Radio Frequency Radiation (RFR), exposure to electromagnetic radiation can affect people in different ways. An increasing number of people are reporting becoming hypersensitive and have reported symptoms including headaches, poor concentration, fatigue, nausea and skin rashes. The newly-installed 5G network and 5G-enabled devices means that our exposure levels are increasing further. This BBC article questions whether 5G poses a health risk and whether this sort of electromagnetic radiation increases chances of developing certain types of cancer.

EMR is invisible and we’re surrounded by it constantly in our day-to-day life, making it much harder to distance ourselves from it. The sheer amount of wireless technologies around today means we’re exposed to much higher levels than previous generations. No matter where you go, there is WiFi all around us; whether it’s public transport, school, your workplace or even your local shopping centre.  In 2011, the World Health Organisation classified this type of non-ionising radiation as ‘possibly carcinogenic’ and our exposure has only increased since then. In the last decade, our homes and offices have become ‘smarter’ and technology has become more convenient, however it’s our health that could be impacted.

We can all take simple steps to create better habits around the use of our devices. Here are our 5 top tips for reducing your EMR exposure:

1. Turn WiFi off at night

The best way to protect your sleeping environment is to turn your WiFi router off at night when it’s not in use and to keep your bedroom as a tech-free zone. Making sure your mobile phone is switched off or on airplane mode while you sleep will reduce your exposure. Switch it to airplane mode if you use your phone as your alarm. 

2. Keep your distance

Just think, the further away, the better. Ensure you keep wireless devices away from your head and body, this is especially important while you sleep. Locate your WiFi router in a room or place where people don’t spend a huge amount of time. Keep mobile phones, laptops and tablets at a safe distance away and not up close to, or on, your body.

3. Opt for wired connections

It is now becoming the norm that devices around your home like your computer, printer, speakers, home landline and headphones are all wireless. While this is undoubtedly convenient and neater (fewer wires to have to deal with), it means that all of those devices are transmitting their signal wirelessly via WiFi or Bluetooth. In doing so, they are increasing our exposure to EMR even further. Where possible, go back to wired ethernet cabling within your home and office. 

4. Disable wireless functions

Switch your wireless devices to airplane mode when possible. Any time internet connectivity is not required, ensure your WiFi and bluetooth are turned off. Whenever you hand a child a device like a phone, tablet or laptop, make sure airplane mode is on. It is possible to download games and movies (away from you) and then enjoy them with the airplane mode function turned on, rather than streaming. 

5. Use your phone safely

Use the speaker feature when making a call to avoid putting the phone up to your head or use plug in AirTube headphones (not wireless headphones) and keep it away from your body. Texting rather than talking on a mobile phone is also a great way to reduce your exposure. The further your phone is from your body, the better.

Check out our website for further information about EMF and EMR and how to best protect you and your family.